SPS  |  Solids Process Solutions is gesloten en is vanaf 29 juli weer tot je dienst
SPS  |  Solids Process Solutions is closed and will open again on July 29th

Neem contact op voor:   Please contact for:

Kubota Brabender Technologie GmbH

Verkoop Machines   Sales of machines
Mr. Adem Özdemir – E aoezdemir@kubota-bt.com – T +49 203 9984 126

Reservedelen   Spare parts
Mrs. Nadine Opriel – E nopriel@kubota-bt.com – T +49 203 9984 0

Service bezoek / Start up / Inbedrijfname   Service interventions / Start up / Commissioning
Hotline – E hotline@kubota-bt.com   T +49 203 9984 299 or +49 230 9984 298


Extruder Experts GmbH & Co KG

Verkoop Machines / Reservedelen / Service bezoek / Start up / Inbedrijfname
Sales of machines / Spare parts / Service interventions / Start up / Commissioning
Mr. Michael Gazdag – E gazdag@extruder-experts.com – T +49 2472 97042 28  M +49 178 637 59 10
General – E info@extruder-experts.com  T +49 2472 97042 15


Verkoop Machines   Sales of machines
Mr. Michael Laufenböck – E m.laufenboeck@econ.eu – T +43 7243 56 560 26 – M +43 676 840 210 226

Reservedelen   Spare parts
Mr. Andreas Iraneck – E a.iraneck@econ.eu – T +43 7243 56 560 48 – M +43 676 840 210 222

Service bezoek / Start up / Inbedrijfname   Service interventions / Start up / Commissioning
Mr. Andreas Iraneck – E a.iraneck@econ.eu – T +43 7243 56 560 48 – M +43 676 840 210 222


Bay Plastics Machinery

Verkoop Machines   Sales of machines
Mr. Jeff Forgash – E JeffForgash@BayPlasticsMachinery.com – T +1 989 391 5256 – M +1 989 295 8400

Reservedelen   Spare parts
Mr. Jeff Forgash – E JeffForgash@BayPlasticsMachinery.com – T +1 989 391 5256 – M +1 989 295 8400

Service bezoek / Start up / Inbedrijfname   Service interventions / Start up / Commissioning
Mr. Jeff Forgash – E JeffForgash@BayPlasticsMachinery.com – T +1 989 391 5256 – M +1 989 295 8400

Inspection Technologies

Verkoop Machines   Sales of machines
Mr. Nadav Leshem – E Nadav@inspec.tech – T +972 544 712 892

Reservedelen   Spare parts
Mr. Nadav Leshem – E Nadav@inspec.tech – T +972 544 712 892

Service bezoek / Start up / Inbedrijfname   Service interventions / Start up / Commissioning
Mr. Nadav Leshem – E Nadav@inspec.tech – T +972 544 712 892